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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dani's Bridal Shower

I was so happy to spend this past weekend with my future sister-in-law, Dani. In about four weeks, she and my brother-in-law are getting married, so all the ladies gathered this past weekend to throw Dani her bridal shower. It was a wonderful morning, watching Dani flutter around her mother's house, full of smiles, laughing and enjoying the fact that she is just weeks away from becoming Mrs. Veggie (you have to read her blog to understand THAT one!). As well, the house was full of little ones, three flower girls, a ring bearer, and a few other little cuties.

There were mothers, grandmothers, GREAT grandmothers, friends, cousins, nieces, sisters, and everyone in between. It was a great sneak peek at what the wedding weekend will be like, and it was a great treat for me to snap some photos of the beautiful bride-to-be.

Some special moments from the morning:

The beautiful bride-to-be!

Being showered with gifts and attention and love!

Some members of the beautiful bridal party!

And more presents (I just LOVED this box! How cool!)

Showers of treats and sweets!

Oh how the children enjoyed the sweets!

And more presents!

One flower girl with her grandmother (my Brady with our MIL, Carol)

And two other flower girls with their grandmother (Annie and Tilda with Dani's mother, Liz)

No wonder Ned fell in love with her!

Dani's girls!

I had no idea shooting events could be so much fun! Loved capturing the joy in Dani's life. Even more so, loved celebrating the fact that this fabulous woman will soon be my sis!

Love you, Dani!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

In Grandpa's Barn With Daddy's Toys

If you asked my kids what their favorite part about visiting Grandma and Grandpa Lebo was, they would both quickly answer the same thing: THE BARN! From the minute we pack up the car, buckle up, and head north, Scotty and Brady both get antsy for the same thing. How long until we get there? Will it still be set up the same way? Can we play right away? The questions and longings are always the same.

And sure enough, whenever we arrive, the kids barrel out of the car and head right up into Grandpa's old barn. And there, on the second floor, in a space just for them, it is all still there, set up just the way they left it. There on the rug, and on the tables, and on the chairs, are the same Fisher Price toys that their father played with over 40 years ago. There are the building blocks that their grandfather played with over 60 years ago. And there is the place where our kids escape to morning after morning, every day that we spend here.

I loved spending this particular morning up there with them, when even little Mikey joined in for some fun. He was quick to realize that great times are ahead for him too, and seemed to jump right in with his older brother and sister. It was a great morning and I'm so glad I have these images to show the kids for years and years, and perhaps to show their kids someday when they're playing with them too!

Thanks Dad, for keeping all of these wonderful toys and for keeping this special place for the kids. I know these are times they will never forget!
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Friday, July 16, 2010

At Home With The Lewis Family

I know I love kids! All ages, boys, girls, you name it, I enjoy spending time with kids. But the hour I spent with Maddie, Emma and Mason really took the cake for me! Seriously, I absolutely loved this little Mason, and he's two years old. TWO YEARS OLD! How many two year olds can you say that about? Exactly!

Rick and Megan invited me to their beautiful home to photograph their family. It was such a great time. Throughout the entire session, I was either laughing at Mason's great expressions, chatting it up with Maddie and Emma, or enjoying the wonderful connection between Rick and Megan. These two have truly created a beautiful home and a beautiful life together. I left there with a huge smile on my face, a ton of fabulous images, and an overwhelming urge to go home and hug my own kids.

There is nothing like spending a little time with a family truly at home and truly in love.

A few of my favorites from the session:

Thanks so much, Rick and Megan, for inviting me into your home and into your lives for a little while. I sure hope to do this again some time soon- hopefully while Mason is still in his "zerbert" phase!

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dana and Her Family: Larger Than Life

Have you ever known someone and thought "I wonder what her family is like"? Well, until a few weeks ago, this is what I often wondered about Dana. You see, Dana has that personality that just grabs you. She is witty and fun and always so confident. I often wondered about the type of family in which she was raised, whether they were all such vibrant people, whether they were all so wonderful. In meeting them for our session together, I was finally able to see for myself!

Or should I say smell, as I was overtaken with the aroma of bacon from the minute I entered their beautiful home! Dana's mom, D, was making breakfast for everyone, and the whole house smelled amazing. This of course, while she was dressed impeccably! And what a wonderful woman. She was easy-going, friendly, welcoming, and so vibrant! We chatted easily as the rest of the family floated in and out, getting ready, fixing hair bows, finding shoes, soothing toddlers. The woman never batted an eye. Wow, I was awestruck.

I can go on and on about this family, the beautiful children (Dana's nephew Christopher gave me a geography lesson with the globe- he's only six!), the lovely grandmother, the beautiful Brianna, and so much more. I am no longer surprised at Dana's wonderful personality, though I will always continue to be touched by it.

A few of my favorites from our time together.

Thank you, Dana, for inviting me to photograph your family. I had a great time! Tell your mother I'll be back for coffee and more chit chat soon I hope!

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Family Fun on the Fourth

You know I can't go a few posts without throwing in something regarding my own family. I'm just like all the other moms out there. Nothing gets me quite like the faces of my own little darlings. And even better, my own kids with their cousins! Now that's cause to celebrate!

And celebrate we did! After all, it was the Fourth of July! And Scotty's All-Star T-ball game! We didn't do much more than just lounge around together, my family and my brother's, but since we live far away from each other (we Lebos in good old Pottstown, and my brother and his family in southern Florida), these relaxed days are extra special. Plus, six beautiful kids in one spot! Quick, someone get me my camera!

Some snapshots of our weekend together! We spent the morning on our front porch, enjoying the parade as it went right past our home!

Hannah and Mikey, the oldest and youngest of my parents' grandchildren.

Hannah has been one of my favorites subjects for 12 years now!

The whole kid crew on the porch enjoying the parade. Scotty had his game face on for his All-Star game later in the day.

The three amigos- Brady and Scotty give their cousin Sam a smooch.

A stolen shot of my sister-in-law. She is too beautiful not to photograph, but I have to be sneaky about it!

Catching Mikey mid-giggle! Hey bud, where'd your eyes go?

The sweetheart of our crew, Joseph. He has GOT to be the sweetest kid I know!

Mikey has discovered baseball too, but he enjoys it his own way!

At the All-Star Game! I am SO PROUD of my little big man! Go Scotty, Go!

After the game, tired and sweaty, but so happy!

The times together go fast, but they are so special to all of us. I sure hope we get time together again soon. Miss you guys already!
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Island Sessions

I'm an island girl. Long Island, that is. And while I have not lived there for over 15 years, I still head back there every now and again to visit friends and family, and, of course, to make sure I can still whip out the accent and drive with the craziest of them.

So last month, we set out in the minivan, headed east towards the good old Belt Parkway, and sure enough, after a few extra hours in awful traffic (fuggedaboutit!) we made it to Centereach. And wow, was it worth it. I spent the next few days enjoying photo sessions with old friends, and was captivated and amused by the wonderful families they had created. It was definitely the most fun I'd had on LI in a long time!

So without further ado, here are a few of my faves from the weekend.

My friend, Tiffany, and her beautiful family: husband, Peter, and kids, Alexa, Brandon, and Ella. I was amazed at how gorgeous Tiffany STILL looked (how are we the same age?) and was hysterical over her kids- they were my buds by the end of the session and I hated to leave them! We shot this on a beautiful little beach in Wading River.

We happened to be there the same time my brother and his family were there (they now live in FL) and so we did a special session for his in-laws. All of the grandkids (my brother and Tara's kids, and Tara's sister's kids)- eight beautiful children ranging from a soon-to-be college freshman to a handsome little three year old! We shot in the evening at West Meadow Beach.

These are a few from my session with Darrel and Katie. Darrell and Katie were high school sweethearts, and attached at the hip back in our younger days, so it was especially fun to shoot this and to experience the wonderful personalities of their beautiful children, Olivia, Jayne, and Ty. They also shared news with me that they are expecting baby number 4, to which I can only say WOW and why not!? With the beautiful and sweet kids these two make, number 4 can only be another charmer! We took these at a beautiful little duck pond in Stonybrook, a place I had never been to.

These little angels belong to my good friend, Dawn. Krista, Jacob, and Ava are as beautiful and as darling as they come. No surprise, considering who their mother is. I was bummed to only have a short time with Dawn, but as is always the case, any time with Dawn is good for the soul. We shot these at West Meadow Beach in the morning.

And last, but certainly not least, are our friends Dean and Michelle. We usually try to see these guys whenever we head out to the Island. But it had been a while, and we actually had never met little Joe! What an awesome little man! We shot these at the Stonybrook duck pond, an old favorite spot of mine, and for this session, I spent most of the time simply following the family around and letting things go naturally. I was a bit tired by the end (how do 3 year olds have such energy???) but it was a wonderful experience because I was able to truly see the bonds in this family. Dean and Michelle, you are so blessed. And yes, I know you know it.

And so despite, the crazy traffic, and the crazier heat, I was so happy we took the trip. In fact, things went so well that we are debating a trip back at the end of the summer. Except this time, I think we'll skip the Belt Parkway!

Thanks everyone! It was wonderful!

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