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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Summer Girls

I love photographing girls! Don't get me wrong, with two boys at home, I know how precious it is to get a good shot of a handsome little man! But girls are fabulous! And I mean girls of all ages! Young girls, teen girls, even us older gals! I love capturing the femininity, the grace, the overwhelming beauty that is in all of us.

So how happy was I when my friend, Tricia, agreed to let me photograph her and her beautiful little pregnant belly- holding her own little girl! I'd been wanting to get more maternity work, and Tricia wanted some prego shots, so it was a great time for both of us. The shots below were some of my favorites.

Soon after, I had another session filled with great gals, though there was a great guy along too, and two great pooches! Tammy and her daughters sat for me, and wow, were they beautiful. I had such a great time watching sisters, Morgan and Brooke, enjoy each other despite being at an age where sisters are anything but friends. I loved watching Tammy with her girls, so obviously proud of each of them.

Here are a few from the morning. Despite some drizzle, and a pooch in the Dell, it was wonderful!

Tricia, congratulations to you and Sam. I cannot wait to meet little Brooklyn! Tammy, I loved spending the morning with you guys. Your girls are wonderful!
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Helping Set Beauty Free: Threadpoets Session

This past week, I spent an afternoon with two amazing women. Sonia Thomas and Miriyam Matthew run a business called Threadpoets, and they asked me if I'd come over and shoot some of their items. It was one of the most memorable afternoons ever!

First, these women are wonderful. By the time I left, I felt as if I'd known them for ages, and was hoping to see them both again soon. There were lots of laughs, lots of great discussions, and some great coffee too!

But even better than the laughter and lunch was the knowledge that we were doing something important. You see, Threadpoets partners with "Good Night Red Light", and these beautiful items were made by women who were rescued from the Red Light district of Mumbai, India. To see such beautiful work, and then to know the story behind each stitch, is truly inspiring.

Spending time with Miriyam and Sonia, and helping to showcase this beautiful work was a wonderful blessing for me. It was an afternoon spent with Christian sisters, doing wonderful work for God's glory. What can be better than that?

Be sure to check out more of this beautiful story at Threadpoets or pick something up for yourself on Etsy. Miriyam and Sonia, let's do coffee again soon!!!
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Seniors Of All Kinds

A few weeks ago I had the chance to shoot two very different kinds of seniors. The first, Katie, was a beautiful young lady, about to start her senior year at The Hill School. We met on campus and shot all over, showing the beauty that is this school and this girl. It was a great time!

The second senior was a bit different. My dear friend, Margie, set up a session with me to capture some special family moments with their beloved dog, Wilson, who is very old and not very healthy. Margie wanted to make sure that they had some special moments captured with "Willy" before it was too late. I was so touched by this request, and loved doing this for them. They are a truly beautiful family, complete with wonderful pooch!

Katie, congratulations to you on your big year! May this be the most wonderful time for you! And to Margie and Wilson, I love you both! Wilson, may you have many more wonderful days ahead!

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sophia Girl

I can tell you about the wonderful time I have had for the past two years with this family. I can tell you how friendly Melissa and Rich are, how welcoming and warm they make a person feel. I can tell you how I've come to look forward to our sessions more for the time I spend with them than for the images I create. I can tell you how beautiful their home is, or how amazing the views from their kitchen and back yard are. I can tell you so much about this beautiful family.

But nothing would compare to telling you about Sophia. And nothing I say could truly tell you how adorably sweet this little girl is. Hopefully, the images can speak better than I.

Melissa and Rich, you have such a beautiful family. Sophia and her soon-arriving sister are so lucky to have parents who adore them like you two. I wish you lots of love in your new home with your precious girls. I am already looking forward to the next session!
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Friday, August 13, 2010

Jen Lebo Photography Has Made Some Changes!

I've made some changes and I thought I'd let you know!

1. I now offer TWO different session packages! (visit for details)
2. I have updated my packages to include more of what my clients seem to want!
3. I now offer my digital images for purchase!

Email me at for a comprehensive list of packages and products!

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Session: Family Fun With Cousins

I have reached this wonderful point in my photography where I am beginning to see clients for the second time, and I am watching children and families grow! Case in point, I spent the other morning with Ashley and Brody. Last summer I had the privilege to shoot Ashley and Adam's wedding, and also Brody's first portraits.

So how much fun it was to see them all again, to watch Brody run around like a little explorer, sounding out words and laughing with his older cousins, Maile and Logan. Even more fun for me was remembering the days when Ashley was my student and player. How amazing to see the wonderful wife, mom, and woman she has become.

Here are some of my favorites from our morning together:

Maile and little brother, Logan

Ashley and Adam, along with their little man, Brody. Look at those blue eyes (all of them!)

I was captivated with Maile when she was the flower girl at Ashley's wedding, and I was again this morning.

Logan was by far the most well-behaved and sweetest two year old I've ever met!

And the Brodster! He was awesome!

Sibling love...

...silly faces...

... and sweet smiles.

What a beautiful family!

I loved seeing how Brody, Maile, and Logan had grown. I loved seeing Ashley and Adam so happy after their first year of marriage. I loved realizing how much I'm going to love watching the years go by.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

I'm Going Digital!

With my products, that is!

After having several friends and clients ask me about buying my digital images, I can now happily say YES!!! I am offering my digital images for sale!

Seems a great idea the more I think about it. How wonderful for that bride-to-be to have an image for the hundreds of "Save The Date" letters she is sending out. Or how resourceful to get portraits of the kids done now, and then have a digital image for the holiday cards in a few months (best Christmas cards on the block!).

So in addition to gift prints, and books, and other gorgeous products, I now offer my digital images for sale, either as single attachments or grouped and presented on a custom CD.

There are a handful of ways to purchase these high resolution digital images, so whether you want just one or fourteen, or all of them, you got it!

Contact me at for specific pricing details, or be on the lookout on my website, , as I plan to post the digital image options there as well!

Let's book a session soon! Those holidays and major events are just around the corner...
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Friday, August 6, 2010

Missing Teeth, Family Portrait

There's a special time in a child's life when her smile is just a little more exciting, a little more special. And what better way to remember this precious smile than with portraits! This is why my dear friend Kate called me up to book a session. Her youngest, Natalie had just lost her two front teeth, and she was not about to let the last of the toothless grinning days go by without precious memories!

It was a great time photographing Kate and her family. Each of her children are so wonderful, each so unique, and yet so obviously siblings. They'd laugh and joke and tease, offering me so many great expressions and emotions. As well, I got to shoot Kate and Dave without the kids and was able to witness the joy and love that holds the family together. It was a blast.

Here are a few of my favorites from the session:

Dave, Kate, Nicole, Dan, and Natalie, you were a joy to shoot. You are truly a beautiful family inside and out. Nicole, beware- I might be sneaking up to your volleyball or softball games, or Dan's football games to shoot sports photography! And Natalie, I'll be waiting to photograph you anytime! You're a doll!

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