I love the idea of sharing tips and treats each Monday on the blog, and what better to share with you on a Monday than a friend who specializes in massage therapy and yoga. I can almost feel myself relaxing already!
I thought it'd be fun to do a little "Q & A" with Liz to learn about her business and what drives her:
Jen: What's the name of your business?
Liz: Medcare and Wellness therapeutic Massage, also know as Massage and Yoga.
J: How long have you been in business?
L: I have been in business for four years.
J: What led you to pursue massage therapy and yoga instruction?
L It's kind of funny, but I am basically here because all my other plans fell through. Prior to becoming a massage therapist I was in the process of opening a daycare. Things didn't go well with my business partner at the time. But, I maintained my goal of opening a business and there I began the journey of finding out what I really want to do with my life that will allow me to work a bit less so I could spend time with my kids, attend field trips and so on , Given my 12 years experience in the social work field, as well as a genocide survivor, I have come to embrace the art of touch. During my years as a clinical social worker I saw the impact of therapeutic touch and how it helped my clients deal with stress and navigate through their social challenges. On one particular Thursday while I had a client in for therapy, she shared with me that she was a massage therapist. We brain stormed a bit, and the following Monday I put my resignation letter in. I told my supervisor that I was going back to school.

J: Can you speak a little bit about the new found passion that you are pursuing?
L: My new found passion is working with women who are going through breast cancer treatment. I have a client who is going through breast cancer treatment, and while she was in her recent doctor's appointment she learned that among 6 of her friends who are going through the same treatment she is doing well and healing better than everyone. We started researching and found out that there are sturdies that support the benefit of massage. I grew a burning desire to help more women navigate better through this painful process. I really want to learn everything I can.
J: How might we ladies/moms benefit from yoga and or massage therapy?
L: I personally teach yoga to kids, mainly because, as a single mom I am always looking for ways to spend time with my kids, but also because, as a social worker I saw first hand how yoga benefits kids. I worked with children with behavior problem and noticed that these kids who supposedly are on heavy medication for attention disorder could hold a pose for a long time. Yoga definitely improved their concentration, focus and attention. Many kids I worked with were from foster parenting, and due to multiple moves, most of them did not participate in outside sports activities. Yoga definitely boosted their confidence and self-esteem. The number one benefit of massage therapy is that it increases circulation, everything in the body is meant to move around. A muscle cannot heal with inflammation, and so on there are many benefits of massage. For a complete list check out my website.
J: Where can we find you?
L: My office is located on 1143 E High St. Pottstown PA 19464. I provide an integrative therapeutic massage that is tailored to fit each individual. My hours of operation depends on my clients' schedules.
J: What are your passions in life?
L: I am passionate about my purpose in life. At this moment I am passionate about working with breast cancer patients. I am practically devoting all my resources toward reaching this objective, and I noticed that I have become more alert to related opportunities. My purposes and goals changes from time to time. but at the end of the day I am a mom and a woman of faith and that never changes. It only gets better.
Liz, thank you for spending time with me and for answering questions for us women and moms.
And for you, my friends, Liz will be teaming up with me and a few other local business women to put together a fantastic event for you this spring.
And I will have more of these wonderful women "visiting" in the coming Mondays!
Stay tuned, because it's going to be AMAZING!
Keep smiling,