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Monday, March 31, 2014

Your Story: Get Gorgeous!

My forgetfulness is your gain today.
I am in desperate need of a haircut and so I've got the fabulous ladies of Gwendolynn's Salon & Spa on my brain today.  And so I'm sharing them with you.

Some of you are already connected with this fantastic group of ladies, but for those of you who are not, you must go see them.  From hair to nails, facials to massages, they do it all and they do it the best!  

But beyond talent, these ladies have joy, they have a passion for what they do, and they have tremendous purpose.  Recently they began working with "Friends Are By Your Side", a charity organization that does hair replacement for those suffering with cancer.  Truly, these ladies are amazing.

Go see for yourself!
Friends of Jen Lebo Photography can enjoy a 20% discount at Gwendolynn's.
Not to mention fantastic service, a GREAT new look, and some wonderful new girlfriends.

And Rebecca, I'll be calling for an appointment ASAP!

Keep smiling,

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Friday, March 28, 2014

My Story: I Must Be Crazy! Training for Ragnar

I believe I must be crazy!
In about six weeks, I will be hopping on a van (with my crazy girlfriends) and driving up to Cape Cod, where we will meet up with another van (and six other crazy girlfriends) to run our very first Ragnar Relay!

What's a Ragnar Relay?

Well, basically, it's a 200 mile relay done with a team of 12 runners in 2 vans, running 36 legs in about 36 hours.  It's 12 stinky ladies, with very few hours of sleep, running on lots of tired legs and sore muscles.  Vans full of ice, ibuprofen, Garmins, and iPods.

It's running through the night, running on little sleep, running on new terrain, covering some tough distances, and pushing our bodies in ways we never have before.

It's two vans full of "older" ladies (we're not kids anymore!), convincing ourselves and each other that we can do anything we set out to do.

I must be crazy because I cannot wait!

(and you can be sure I'll be blogging about this crazy adventure after we return!)

Keep running!

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Their Story: The Kuhre Family/ Pottstown Family Photography

Jeremy, Melody, and little Carter are a wonderful reminder of how precious family is.  I met with this beautiful little family on a chilly autumn afternoon last October (yes, I am so behind with my session blogging!).  Carter was just a little guy, but such a huge love magnet.  Mom and Dad were so over the moon for him (and for each other too), and I left the session pretty smitten with him myself!  

He was quite the heart stealer.
(just ask his parents!)

Thanks for a wonderful afternoon, Jeremy and Melody!  Carter is such a doll, and I had a blast with all of you.  I wish you all such joy and success too, as you head on your next adventure, as Jeremy heads to graduate school at Cornell!  

What a beautiful family!
Keep smiling,

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Your Story: The Workshop Is Going On Line! Woo hoo!

Big News!
I mean, big.

As you know, I've been busy planning my 2014 photography workshop "A Day With Jen".  But as the weeks have passed, I have had email after email, call after call, either expressing disappointment at having to miss the day due to schedule conflicts, or at having to cancel after originally registering (again, scheduling conflicts). 

We moms are busy!

And so rather than have all these disappointed ladies out there, I thought I'd make a little change.

Rather than one afternoon together, the course will cover four weeks of learning.
Each week will bring a new lesson, new assignments, and new opportunities for sharing.  Participants can now work at their own pace, during their free time, and then come together on line to collaborate, learn, and have fun.  The course will be set up as a FB Group, encouraging everyone to connect and grow together.

Flexibility is key here (location and time no longer become a challenge), though the course is set up to keep everyone focused and on task. (this means assignment due dates and accountability- no slacking!)

Oh and we'll still have door prizes and SWAG bags!  Only now they'll be weekly giveaways for all participants, and cyber gifts for everyone at the end.

Oh and the kicker is the new price!
You can register for this course today, not at the original $249, or even at the special $165 price.

You can register today for just $95!!
That's for all four weeks!

But you have to hurry!
I'm only taking 20 registrants, and slots are already filling up!

Call or Comment Below to Grab Your Spot Today!

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Their Story: The Fanelli Family/ Chesterbrook Family Portraits

It starts the minute I walk through the door.  Every year, it never fails.  I walk through the front door and before I can even give Rich and Melissa a proper hug, I am swept away by these two darling little girls who melt my heart.  Sometimes it's quite literal, as the girls grab my hands and pull me into the living room to show me a new toy or their new favorite show.  Other times, they're a little more on the shy side and so they simply sweep me away with a smile.  

Either way, I know that every fall as I head down to Chesterbrook, I'm in for one of my favorite sessions.

It's hard to believe I've been photographing these beauties since older sister, Sophia was just 9 months old and sweet little Olivia was still "in the land of dreams" (as my dad always used to say).

Every year they get more and more darling, more and more beautiful.
I already cannot wait until next fall!

Keep smiling, pretty girls!

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Monday, March 17, 2014

Your Story/ Simple Portrait Tip: Get Closer

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I love St. Patrick's Day for a few reasons.  First, I'm half Irish (despite looking 100% Italian).  Second, I love any reason to steal kisses from my loves!

And so, in the spirit of all things "Kiss me, I'm Irish", I thought I'd offer this fun little tip for creating wonderful family portraits.  

Get closer!

What a simple little trick, and yet it invites such wonderful images.  Getting closer leads to laughing, hugging, maybe tickling, and hopefully even a kiss or two.

I always encourage my families to get closer, and closer still.
And those images are always their favorites- and mine too.

So get closer and enjoy where it takes you!

Keep smiling!

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Friday, March 14, 2014

My Story/ Let's Do A Personal Photo Project!

Lovely family portrait right?
I'm guessing you have one too.
Perhaps, like me, you grab your crew once a year and hook up with your family photographer (maybe it's me!) and we capture something like this for you.  
And like me, you probably look at it a lot and smile.


Perhaps, like me, you know that this is not enough.
Life is happening around us everyday.  Are we capturing it on camera?
If you're like me, the answer is no.


I've got a challenge for all of us.
Who is up for a personal photo project?

Maybe it's "a photo a day", or maybe it's a monthly project we do focusing on 12 things that we are passionate about.  Perhaps it's a one month project to take your camera (not just your phone) with you at least once a day (and use it).

Let's brainstorm some ideas!
Comment below and share what you want to do as a personal project.  
Then let's meet back here next Monday, pick one, and begin!

Who's in?
Comment below and let's have some fun!

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Their Story: Brandon Cordivari/ Pottstown Senior Photography

Ever meet a young adult and immediately know that he must come from a wonderful family?
This was my thought after spending five minutes with Bradon, a sixth former (senior) at The Hill School.  A super friendly, but truly respectful young man, Bradon was a blast to hang out with and was a fantastic JLP Senior this past year.

A phenomenal student and athlete, Bradon is headed to UPenn in the fall.

Bradon, I wish you so much success in your college career, although we all know you don't need it.  Keep working hard and never change.  You're a wonderful young man.
Your parents must be so proud of you.

(oh and for the record, I was so right- his family is just wonderful!)

Always keep smiling,

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Your Story/ Won't You Join Me?

The pieces are coming together for our "Day with Jen" and I'm so excited about it.

And I'm offering ONE MORE SPOT at this special price for you.
Call me and grab it!
You do NOT want to miss out on the fun!

* Helpful lessons and group work on learning the basics.
* "On Location" exercises to practice what we learn.
* Door prizes for all participants (over $250 in prizes)
* SWAG bags for all
* and more!

Call or email today!
Spots are limited, especially at this special price!

We're going to have a blast!
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Friday, March 7, 2014

My Story: A Year Later

Tomorrow will make one year since it happened.
I still remember it like it was yesterday, all the emotions, the worry, the fear in her eyes and in her cries, the x-rays that CLEARLY showed 2 bones where there should have been one.  I remember feeling like there was suddenly a mountain in front of us.  How would a 7 year old make it through 10 weeks of walkers, crutches, full leg casts, sponge baths, and no running.  How would her mother make it?

That was one year ago tomorrow.
And today, my B is bionic!  As seems most typical with kids, she has proven resilient, strong, and ready to push on.  This year has brought her much success on the soccer field, lots of miles on her bike, and endless fun running around with her friends.  There is nothing holding this girl back.

A moment today is all I need to reflect on that day last year.
It's a wonderful joy for me to be able to think back to then, and then look at her now, and be so thankful.  

But I've only got a moment.
She's pretty hard to keep up with these days.
Gotta run!

Keep smiling,

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Their Story: Alex & Sean/ Valley Forge Engagement Portraits

I thought maybe I could push spring along this week with some loving images from my engagement session with Sean and Alex.  Spending an evening last fall with them, we photographed these at Valley Forge Park.  Nothing like young love to warm your heart after this long and dreary winter!

Congratulations Sean and Alex!  May your love continue to warm hearts everywhere, especially your own.

Much love and keep smiling,

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Your Story: Your Workshop is Here (and at a Special Price)!

This past weekend I announced my upcoming photography workshop, "A Day with Jen", and even ran a contest to win one free spot to the class.  Bummer if you missed that.

But all is not lost!
I've got a special treat for the first five who reserve their spot to this workshop.

You can click HERE to get all the details on this workshop and on how to reserve your spot.
Space is limited, so hurry to get your spot at this special rate.

There's lots of fun to be had, valuable lessons to be learned, great prizes to be won, and wonderful experiences to be shared.  
So call me!
I cannot wait!

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Wonderful Weekend Giveaway! Win a Spot at my "A Day with Jen" Photography Workshop!

I am so excited!
This announcement is a long time coming!

This intensive workshop will cover topics such as:
* understanding exposure and how to use it creatively
* how to take your camera off "auto"
* aperture and shutter speed
* composition
* tips for posing
* & more

And this won't be just an afternoon of lectures.  I've prepared a comprehensive and fun learning experience.  We're talking detailed and discussion-based lessons, hands-on exercises and activities, and "in the field" sessions on the beautiful campus of The Hill School.  There will be a LOT packed into one afternoon!  (I promise to give you breaks too!)

And the learning won't end there.  Participants will receive workbooks filled with assignments and activities to take home and continue the learning at home.  Not to mention the goodies to be won and the SWAG bag each of you will take home!

It's going to be phenomenal!

Now, in order to keep the learning experience as intimate and thorough as possible, the workshop will only have a limited amount of spots.

Reserve your spot for $249.


Here's how to enter:

1. Go to Facebook and "like" Jen Lebo Photography.

2. Share the link to this blog (either here or on the JLP Facebook page) on FB.

4. Comment on the JLP FB link that you've done all 3 steps and why you want to win a spot to this workshop.

The winner will be announced here on the blog and on FB on Sunday evening, March 2.

So many ways to be a part of this fantastic workshop, so hurry up and get your spot!

Email me at or call 610-504-6151.

We're going to have a blast!

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