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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Their Story: The Charltons/ Pottstown Family Photography

It was so chilly.  I couldn't imagine trying to shoot without my gloves and worried about how the girls would feel about spending the morning outside in 30 degree temperatures.

But the minute I met Sydney and Logan, I knew we were going to have a great time.
Mom, Diane, welcomed me with one of the warmest smiles.  I felt instantly at home with them.

We spent a few minutes photographing the entire family (Dad, Dave and little brother, Trent were thrilled with how quickly that went- success!) and then spent the rest of the hour with the girls and their horses.  

I had such a wonderful time with Diane that I had to keep reminding myself to keep shooting!
But the girls kept me entertained with their beautiful smiles and their love for the horses and each other.  I had the most wonderful time!

I loved this session.
It left me feeling giddy after lots of laughs with the girls, a wonderful connection with a wonderful mother, and some gorgeous portraits!

I can't wait to do it again, Charlton crew!
But next time, let's hope for some warmer temps!

Keep smiling!

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Monday, April 28, 2014

Your Story/ Change Your Perspective

Spring has truly sprung and my hope is that you are all heading outside with your cameras to capture the fun of finally being out and about with the kids again!

A quick tip to improve those shots: change your perspective!

Try a new perspective for a fresh new look.  Get down on the ground to photograph your baby.  Shoot up at your teenage son to make him appear taller and more masculine.  Climb a ladder or some steps to get a bird's eye view of your kids.  Or even turn them (or you!) upside down!

Always look for a new perspective.

This works in life too.
But that's a deeper topic for a different day!

Keep smiling!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Their Story/ The Tanner Family: Douglassville Family Photography

Her little hat was just too much.
As if she little Leah wasn't precious enough, her mom topped her off with the most adorable little flower hat and it was just too cute.  She just stole the show- and melted my heart too!

It was a beautiful fall portrait session.
Jennifer and Zach, I loved photographing your family.

Thanks for a wonderful session!
Keep smiling,

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Monday, April 21, 2014

Special Monday Giveaway! Win a Free Mini Portrait Session for Mom!

Mother's Day is just around the corner!
What are you going to get Mom?

Win her a Mini Portrait Session with her loves (that's you!).

Oh, and since I know it's you MOMS who are actually the ones reading this, feel free to pass this on to your husbands!  You can both enter and double your chance to win!

The contest is TODAY ONLY so don't wait!

Have fun and good luck!

Keep smiling!

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Her Story: Stephanie Mourar/ Boyertown HS Senior Photography

She was a little on the quiet side, which made me wonder how the hour would go.
And then she smiled and all of my worries vanished.
I stopped wondering whether the photo shoot would be a good one, and started wondering if her smile had that relaxing effect on everyone.  I assumed it did.

Stephanie, a current senior at Boyertown High School, has that kind of smile.  The kind that stays with you in the most wonderful way.  

Congratulations on your upcoming graduation, Stephanie!
May you always carry that beautiful smile and share it with everyone you meet!

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Your Story: It's Finally Time For….

This is what JLP is all about!
But this year it's completely exclusive.

I am selecting JUST ONE current junior from each high school, and JUST THREE total juniors!
That's it!

If you are interested in learning more about the JLP Senior Model Program and want to be one of my three models, then HURRY!

(Oh and I've already got one so that really just leaves TWO!)

Call Me TODAY!!

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Her Story/ Rachel Carson: The Hill School Senior Photography

He looked at her differently all throughout dinner.  This four year old of mine, who up until this moment had only had eyes for his momma.  I could see the way he held on to her every word as she laughed with him and my two other kids.  A sixth former (senior) at The Hill School and one of my 2014 JLP Seniors, Rachel had become quite close with our family and with our kids.  All three of them loved her.  But there was something different about the way my baby was watching her.

And then it came out.

"Rachel…" he said very slowly and calmly, "…you're so pretty."
The table erupted with laughter, and I beamed at my little man.
I may have lost him for a moment there, but I realized in that moment that my boy has got great taste!

Thank you, Rachel, for all the time and effort you put into being one of my 2014 JLP Seniors.  I had so much fun photographing you this year, but even more so, I am so thankful that you opened up your heart to my kids.

To them, and to us, you will always be "our Rachel".
Keep smiling,

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Monday, April 7, 2014

Your Story: How To Take a Great "Selfie" (A Lesson from a Tween Pro)

While at a recent portrait shoot for the talented and beautiful tween actress, Gracen Barnhart (see her Fan Page Here), I listened to her lovingly tease her mom about how unskilled mom is at taking self-portraits with her phone ("selfies").  I laughed as Gracen grabbed the phone from mom and said "Here. Let me do it."  Then caught a sweet mother-daughter moment between them.

It occurred to me that, like Gracen's mom, Tammy, most of us moms could use a few tips on how to take "the selfie".  Even me!  I mean, I'm great with my DSLR and when I'm photographing others, but selfies with my phone?  Uh oh.

I asked Gracen to share with us her "dos and don'ts" for taking a good selfie.
Here's what she shared:

First, the Do NOTS:
1) Don't shoot the picture from below you or it will go up your nose and give you a double chin. 
2) Do not take the picture using anything but natural light.
3) Do not take the picture with both hands.  It is better when you only have ONE hand in the air.
4) Don't leave a lot of space above your photo  This makes your face look wider.  If anything, crop your photo just a tiny bit to not get your entire forehead.
5) Do not have any items in the back round of your photo, which can pull attention away from you.

Now, the DOS:
1) Do take the picture from above eye level or directly across from your eyes. 
2) Do take the picture with the hand opposite of your part of hair.
3) Do use a plain wall/background to take your selfie in front of.
4) Do take the picture not just of your face, but include your shoulders and neck in the photo.
5) Do look directly at the camera not the screen with your picture on it. 

Thanks Gracen!
I'll give it a try, and I'd love for you to as well!
Share your selfie here in the comment section, or on my FB page at Jen Lebo Photography!
I'll share a selfie there today too!

Keep smiling!
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Friday, April 4, 2014

My Story: And So It Begins

It's just 3 days away.
Sixteen years ago, I became a teacher.
Ten years ago I became a mother.
Six years ago I became a photographer.
I am about to combine all three and teach photography to a group of amazing moms.

I can hardly wait.
Keep smiling,
(there's room for a couple more if you're interested!  Just CLICK HERE!)

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Their Story: The Mullane Family/ Limerick Family Photography

I know that I always gush about how much fun I had with each family that I photographed in every blog post, but truly, this family is special.  And ANYONE who knows them knows this to be true.  Jim and Lori live life with tremendous passion, and that is how they love each other and their beautiful daughters.  And that love comes right back to them in squeezes and hugs and tickles and squeals of delight from those sweet girls.  It's absolutely amazing to watch this family together.  The love is overwhelming because they know how precious each is to the whole.

This past fall I had the pleasure of photographing the Mullanes for the second time.  I am absolutely smitten with this crew and hope to be making autumn dates with them until Jim is walking each girl down the aisle!  Truly!  We held this session right in their backyard and let the girls just play.  

It was such a blast.

I already cannot wait until next fall.
Although I'm secretly hoping to steal Lori away for a few runs this spring!
Right Lori?

Keep smiling, Mullanes.
Those smiles brighten so many lives!

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