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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2014 JLP Seniors: Meet Jaid/ Pottsgrove High School Photography

This spring has been the most fun season I have ever had doing senior portraits!  I have been really committed to creating unique experiences for all of my JLP Seniors.  Creating unique concepts and locations really brings out the personalities of these awesome seniors and helps them express how extraordinary and awesome they are!

Creating Jaid's session was such a blast!  Jaid is currently a junior at Pottsgrove High School.  She's an amazing athlete, loves art as well, and tops it all off with a love of all things fashion!  After throwing around some ideas, Jaid and I came up with the concept of creating a "shopping session" at the Outlet Mall right here in Sanatoga.

Despite some cold temperatures and even a little drizzle, Jaid was awesome and rocked this session.  I think a few shoppers even stopped and watched, thinking we were doing a celebrity shoot!  It's possible- the girl's that gorgeous!  

Here are a few favorites from the session, complete with Jaid's fun facts:

1. I am a junior at Pottsgrove High School.
2. I play soccer and lacrosse, and have been for several years.
3. I was awarded first team All PAC 10 for soccer.

4. I am a very hard working student and strive to do my best to get good grades.
5. Art is my passion!  I plan to go to college as an art major.
6. I love sewing and creating my own fashion.

7. I have an obsession with dying my hair different colors.
8. I love trying new things and meeting new people.
9. My mom is my hero and I love her to death.

10. My mom and I have movie nights every Sunday.
11. Disney movies are my favorite kinds of movies (especially "Tangled").
12. My favorite thing to do is blast country music while driving with the windows down in the summer.

13. I am very strong-willed and independent.
14. I have a big heart and do my best to help others.

15. I am very religious.
16. I love to laugh and be silly with my friends.

17. I babysit three kids, Zoey, Eli, and Mia, and I absolutely love them!
18. My favorite color is purple.

19. I like to play the piano and also sing.

20. I love to travel; last spring I went to Italy and Greece, and I hope to see more of the world someday.
21. I love to shop, even when I have no money to spend, or should be saving for more important things.

Jaid, I wish our session could have lasted another hour or more, but I fear you would have turned into an icicle by then!  I had so much fun shooting you and you were such a natural.  I cannot wait for our summer session.  I promise the temps will be better!

Keep smiling!

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2014 JLP Seniors: Meet Nicole/ Perkiomen Valley HS Photography

You know you are blessed when you absolutely love going to work everyday.  And who wouldn't love this job?  This day, a few weeks back, was no different, and despite the hot and humid conditions, I had an awesome afternoon photographing Nicole, a junior at Perk Valley High School.

As with all my JLP Seniors, Nicole had the full "rock star" treatment, getting her hair and make-up done with the ladies at Gwendolynn's Salon & Spa.  Then we set off for Collegeville to shoot.

Enjoy the fun facts that Nicole provided about herself along with the gorgeous images we got that afternoon.  Get a load of her AMAZING hair!  I must have gushed about her hair a thousand times during our shoot.  Thick and wavy, naturally beautiful.  I'm still talking about it!

1. I believe there is perfection within imperfection.
2. There is always something to be grateful for.
3. My favorite color is yellow.
4. Sunshine makes me feel happy.

5. I think I tan, but in reality, I always burn.
6. Spring is my favorite season.
7. I think friendship is the greatest gift of all.
8. Come to me crying, and I'll start laughing hysterically... when I'm uncomfortable... I laugh!  Sorry!

9. I love giraffes.
10. My puppy always makes me laugh.
11. Occasionally I treat myself to a day where I curl up in bed with a good book.
12. My showers are normally 45 minutes long... my dad gets mad at me when the water bill arrives.

13. In 5th grade, I got "highlights".  I ended up leaving the salon with Barbie blonde hair.  Biggest mistake of my life?  I think so.
14. I've played on the varsity water polo team for three years.
15. I don't really like gravy (pasta sauce for non-italians) and it's a sin in my family.

16. I love octopus salad.
17. When I was little, a cow knocked me over by licking my face.  I have never liked cows.
18. Lemon squares are pretty decent.

19. I want to go to college in Florida.
20. "A Walk to Remember" is my favorite movie.
21. I'm having a really hard time thinking of all these facts.
22. I was born in 1996.

23. I'm a spring baby.
24. I love Guatemala.
25. Daisies are my favorite flower.

Thanks Nicole!  I hope you had as much fun shooting as I did.  You ROCKED your session and I cannot wait for our next one!  

Good grief, I love your hair!

Keep smiling!

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Bonnie: Pottstown Fashion Photography

Last month I had one of the most intense and exciting photo sessions ever!  Bonnie had come to me with a specific idea in mind to create a portfolio for a potential future in modeling.  Together with the help of amazing hair and make-up artist, Shannon Dimichele of Classic Bella, we put together a plan for several different looks and concepts, all in a 2 hour session.  And we planned the shoot for downtown Pottstown, a very unlikely place for a high fashion model shoot.

But it went perfectly!
Bonnie was awesome, prepared with her looks, and ready to do what I asked.  Shannon was flawless in her work, changing Bonnie's looks quickly but perfectly.  I used the gorgeous light and our location, along with Bonnie's gorgeous looks to rock this shoot!

I think it's safe to say that we all had a blast!

Here are a few faves from the shoot: 

Preparing for this shoot was almost as fun as the shoot itself, and what I learned from this session I have enjoyed incorporating into my senior model sessions!  

And speaking of senior model sessions... stay tuned!  Next on the blog front will be Nicole from Perk Valley HS!  Can't wait to share that with you!

Keep smiling!

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Circles of Faith Spotlight: Jen Lebo Photography

I wanted to share with you this morning that I've been featured in a blog called "Circles of Faith".  This morning they posted their "Personal Connections" piece where I shared my story on my life, my faith, my communities, and my family.

I'm really excited about the chance to share my story with others, since my faith and family are the most important things in my life.

Thanks to my friend, Kim Amici, for inviting me to share my story!
Your faith inspires me and I'm so glad we've reconnected!

Thanks everyone!
Enjoy the read!
And keep smiling!

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

2014 JLP Seniors: Meet Paul/ Coventry Christian School Photography

One of my favorite things about photographing high schoolers is that they are all so unique, and want to be seen that way.  And so I love coming up with unique locations to match these unique personalities.  It's a challenge sometimes, but it's a lot of fun.  And you never know what awesome locations are right there, in your back yard.

Like photographing Paul on High St in Pottstown!  Paul is a junior at Coventry Christian School, an exchange student from South Korea.  He's got a great urban edge about him, and I wanted to pull that out in his images, despite being quite far from any booming city.  So I took him down to High St. right here in town.  Despite some hesitancy, Paul was a great sport and trusted me and my crazy idea.  And I love the way these came out!  

Who would have thought such a great location was just a few blocks away in a somewhat unexpected spot.

Here are a few favorites from our shoot, mixed in, of course, with some fun facts about Paul.

1. I'm from South Korea.
2. I like to draw.
3. I like to play soccer.
4. I'm pretty cute.

5. I like to sleep.
6. I like my guitar.
7. My laptop is big.

8. I play the saxophone.
9. I don't know what to write.
10. 20 fun facts are too much.

11. I can read Korean.
12. I can also speak Korean.
13. I have a girlfriend.
14. My grades are good.

15. My room is clean right now.
16. I have Gameboy Advance SP.
17. I want to be an architect.

 18. I am 18 years old.
19. I will be 19 next year.
20. My birthday is on February 18.
21. Whew.  I hope that's enough!

Thanks, Paul!  Seriously, your fun facts cracked me up.  You are DEFINITELY a unique individual, and I'm so glad I got the opportunity to experience and photograph that personality!  

Keep smiling!
(or not smiling- both work for ya!)

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Monday, April 15, 2013

2014 JLP Seniors: Meet Braden/ The Hill School Photography

This season I am excited to feature at least 3 (maybe 5!) guys in my JLP Senior Model program!  The first of these guys is Braden.  Braden is a current 5th former (aka junior) at The Hill School here in Pottstown.  Aside from being quite a talented runner, Braden is a great student and a pretty awesome person in general.

I had a great time meeting up with him and his dad at the local running trails where he often works out.  Despite a CRAZY windy day, Braden was awesome and rocked this session.  I even put his dad to work as my assistant, holding the reflector and also the ladder I almost fell off of a few times.  Like I said, CRAZY wind!

As is custom, Braden provided some fun facts about himself to share with his portraits.

1. I like running, but more than that, I love to race.
2. I run mostly the 800, but occasionally the mile.
3. My life basically revolves around soccer.  I play for fun, but I watch almost religiously.

4. My favorite team is Tottenham Hotspur in England.
5. I love reading, especially boring nonfiction stories and H.P. Lovecraft.  If I'm going to read it, it had better have actually happened or it had better be so fantastic that it could never happen.
6. I don't really have a favorite book, but The Forgotten Soldier is too honest not to enjoy.

7. I like Latin and Greek, and I can't count how many times I've heard the words "dead language" when I say this.
8. I've never really gotten into poetry much, but I like Sappho and Catullus.
9. I like playing guitar.
10. I don't really have a favorite band, since it's always changing.

11. Swing music is underrated.
12. I'm really into movies, and I watch at least one a weekend.  I still haven't seen one better than The Godfather.
13. Similarly, I've seen dozens of war movies, and they're definitely my favorite genre.
14. I have a weird sense of humor, and I am sarcastic and cynical.

15. I procrastinate.  A lot.
16. If there's one thing I wish I had more time for, it's writing.
17. I enjoy writing, mostly because it's a good place to use my sense of humor.
18. I wish I owned a record player.

19. My vacation spot is Essex, NY in the Adirondacks, and I live for that place.
20. I love to be outdoors, and the Adirondacks and Zion National Park are probably my two favorite places in the US.
21. My favorite soccer player is Andrea Pirlo, who wears number 21.

Thanks, Braden!
I had such a great time hanging out with you and your dad getting these awesome images, and I'm looking forward to our summer group session in a few months!  
Hopefully it will be a little warmer for that shoot!

Keep running!

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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Peter: Phoenixville High School Photography

A few weeks ago I spent an afternoon with Peter downtown in Phoenixville.  Peter is a senior at Phoenixville High School, and is headed to Nashville this fall to study music and business.  I think he is headed for tremendous success in the music industry, and I had a blast getting to know him a little bit.

Here are a few favorites from our portrait shoot.

Thanks for a fun afternoon Peter (and mom, Chris!).  You are one talented young man and the music world is in for big things with you!

And I'll have the first album cover to shoot someday, right?
Hee hee!

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Monday, April 8, 2013

2014 JLP Seniors: Meet Cayla / Pottstown Senior Portraits

 Senior Model Sessions have begun!  Yay!
This is one of my favorite times of year for sure.  Every April I get to photograph all of my JLP Seniors for their upcoming senior years.  And this season started off with a bang!

Meet Cayla!

Cayla is actually a current senior because she skipped her junior year (I'm so impressed with this young lady).  Getting to know her has been so fun, and her vibrant and colorful personality is part of what makes her so beautiful.

I knew I wanted a location that matched that personality, so we went to the Pottstown Carousel for Cayla's spring portraits.  We had a blast and she rocked this session!

I have come to love learning about my models throughout the year and ask them all to share with me some fun facts about themselves, which I then like to share with you.  

Here are Cayla's fun facts:

1. I love to travel.
2. I love Spanish food.
3. I have three sisters and one brother.

4. I am very interested in other cultures.
5. I love God.
6. Cheerleading is my life.

7. I love going to the beach.
8. I have a cousin who is only one month older than I am, which is awesome!
9. I love cheese.
10. I like making people smile.

11. I want to go to college and get my master's degree in psychology.
12. No matter how hard I try, I can never find one of those souvenir keychains or cups or necklaces with  my name spelled correctly on it.
13. I love kids.

14. I skipped 11th grade.
15. I'm shy at first, but then I'm crazy (ask any cheerleader on my team).
16. I want to have twin girls when I'm older.
17. I want to adopt.

18. I love pitbulls.
19. I love chocolate.
20. When I was little, a man my dad worked with nick-named me "Butch".
21. I want to have a lot of kids.

22. I am very forgetful.
23. I love music.
24. Country music is my guilty pleasure.
25. I will never cut my hair short again!

Cayla, you are an amazing young lady and I'm beyond thrilled to have you as one of my JLP Models!

Thanks for an awesome shoot!
Keep smiling!

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